I know it's has been since Halloween since I have posted on here and I apologize. Many friends and family have been asking for updates since they don't get to see Coop much and it has been very hard to get motivated after coming home from work and then playing mommy/wife, BUT I have learned my lesson to never get this far behind because I had way way too many pictures to look through to catch up to now. So, bare with me because there is lots to catch-up on and lots of pics to post...so we will start with Christmas!
We had 3 Christmas's this year. Our first Christmas was at Jacobs Grandmothers house, then to my parents house in Houston and then we had Jacobs parents Christmas on New Years this year. It was crazy and very busy but we were glad to not be snowed in this year. Hope that you enjoy all the pictures!!

Coopers first Christmas tree

horse from Pop-Pop and Maw

watching Wizard of Oz with cousin Alana at Great grandmothers Christmas
surprisingly he watched the whole movie

We LOVE to go to Taste of Texas when ever we go to Houston and with it being a few days before Christmas there was a 2 hour wait (so worth it) and well the kids were getting a little hungry and had about 4 helpings of popcorn, chips and coke while waiting.

the sugar kicked in so Cooper decided to wrestle Paige

outside Taste of Texas

Kids in matching Pj's

Cody and Cooper
notice the big bruise on Coops forehead..first day at nana's he fell off the couch and face planted into the tile floor

kids with GiGi

leaving cookies and milk for santa

Christmas morning

what Santa left for Cooper

Cooper loved his "hemmet"

reading a book that Santa left

Infront of Nana's tree

playing hide and seek

showing Claire his bow..."I funny", said Cooper

Paige and Cooper

Mr. Potato Head
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