Friday night we took Cooper out to the movies. We went to see "UP" but only got to see the first hour and 20 min, because it was Coopers bedtime and he was letting everyone know. The part of the movie that we did see was GREAT!
Saturday after running errands in 100 degree weather we thought we would head to Aunt Stefanies to go swimming. Cooper loves the water so we thought he would enjoy it...and he loved it! You will notice that he has a turtle bathing suit with matching shoes and his float is a turtle, all because he loves franklin!!

Sunday we went to Freedom of Faith Festival at Quail Springs. We were excited about this because we wanted to see how Cooper would react to fireworks, but of course again it was his bedtime and he let everyone know, so we didn't get to see fireworks. He did have a great time though being outside with Cousin Caylee and watching all the trees ( he loves trees)!!

With Cousin Caylee