So, lets start from the beginning.
Cooper was born on March 3, 2009 at 5:09 PM. He was born at Lakeside Womans Hospital in Oklahoma City, OK. He weighted 8lbs and 12 ozs. He was one week late so we induced labor at 7am that morning. I had contractions without an epidural till noon and then the naps began. Once I had dialated completly I only had to push for 14 mins and then Cooper arrived. Cooper got to go home when he was 3 days old, where he finally met Murphy (his new best friend).

Some of Coopers firsts:
He took his first outting on 3/11 where we went to eat lunch at Johnnies and then he got to go meet his ped for the first time.
He held his head up at 2 weeks.
He started sleepig through the night at 7 weeks.
Took his first road trip to Ryan on 4/3 and first road trip to Houston on 4/10 and again on 4/24.
His first babysitter was Cousin Lida so that mom and dad could go celebrate mom's 30th birthday!
Cooper is the first grandchild and first great-grandchild on the Hall side.
Cooper has 4 cousins that love him to death.
It is now 11 weeks later and time has flown so fast. Everytime I look up I feel like he has changed so much. Looking back I always wondered what it would be like when I had my own children, and well, Cooper is far more then I ever imagined. He brings such joy to our family. Coming home from work or when he first wakes up in the morning and he see's your face and just SMILES sooo big, it makes your heart melt. God has truley blessed us beyond belief!
It is now 11 weeks later and time has flown so fast. Everytime I look up I feel like he has changed so much. Looking back I always wondered what it would be like when I had my own children, and well, Cooper is far more then I ever imagined. He brings such joy to our family. Coming home from work or when he first wakes up in the morning and he see's your face and just SMILES sooo big, it makes your heart melt. God has truley blessed us beyond belief!
I'm so glad you are doing this! Now I can see him more!! Love you and miss you!
ReplyDeleteI am SO glad you joined the blog world since I've decided I may not ever meet your little man! J/K! I'm sorry I missed your birthday...geez! One of these days I'll get it all written down in my little book! Hope y'all had fun. Love and miss you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a little doll! I can't believe how much time has passed since I've seen him!
ReplyDeleteI'm SO happy you started a blog! I love that I can get updates on your sweet family now. Cooper is just so handsome!! I'm so glad things are going well for you!