Thursday, May 28, 2009
Cooper had a rough day today, I think that he just wanted to be at home. I caught him relaxing and watching Friends while mommy was cooking dinner. Thought he looked comfortable all sprawled out!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Playing Catch-up
SO, its been awhile since I posted SURPRISE! I knew I would be bad at this thing. I am on the computer all day at work so when I get home its the last thing that I want to do.

Cooper is starting to like tummy time a little more, as long as Murphy doesn't get involved, and he is starting to want to roll over. He discovered his feet last week and loves to watch himself kick!! Cooper loves to sit and have a converstaion with you. He keeps wanting to laugh out loud but just can't seem to get it out. We have been watching a little tv in the afternoons and he loves the Backyardagins, everytime that he hears their voices he will smile. We also started watching Baby Einstein Baby Monet, which I think he likes.

Well, this month has been full but exciting for Cooper. I went back to work which hasn't been too bad since Cooper gets to go with me some. It has been an adjustment for both of us but we are doing better now. He actually started going to a sitter today which I was sad, nervous, sick to my stomach, yet excited all at the same time. I think all of you first time moms out there know what I am talking about, but he has his little friend Jaxon there to help!!! This month has also been full of getting to see ALOT of family. All of my family came into town because Coopers Aunt Stefanie graduated from Nurse Practioner School and we went to see Jacobs familyfor Memorial Day.

Cooper is starting to like tummy time a little more, as long as Murphy doesn't get involved, and he is starting to want to roll over. He discovered his feet last week and loves to watch himself kick!! Cooper loves to sit and have a converstaion with you. He keeps wanting to laugh out loud but just can't seem to get it out. We have been watching a little tv in the afternoons and he loves the Backyardagins, everytime that he hears their voices he will smile. We also started watching Baby Einstein Baby Monet, which I think he likes.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
11 weeks late getting started
We could never decide if we were going to start a blog for Cooper. I didn't think I would ever have enough time to keep up with it BUT then I finally decided that it would be a great idea for all our family and friends that don't live near by to keep up with Cooper.

So, lets start from the beginning.
Cooper was born on March 3, 2009 at 5:09 PM. He was born at Lakeside Womans Hospital in Oklahoma City, OK. He weighted 8lbs and 12 ozs. He was one week late so we induced labor at 7am that morning. I had contractions without an epidural till noon and then the naps began. Once I had dialated completly I only had to push for 14 mins and then Cooper arrived. Cooper got to go home when he was 3 days old, where he finally met Murphy (his new best friend).

Some of Coopers firsts:
He took his first outting on 3/11 where we went to eat lunch at Johnnies and then he got to go meet his ped for the first time.
He held his head up at 2 weeks.
He started sleepig through the night at 7 weeks.
Took his first road trip to Ryan on 4/3 and first road trip to Houston on 4/10 and again on 4/24.
His first babysitter was Cousin Lida so that mom and dad could go celebrate mom's 30th birthday!
Cooper is the first grandchild and first great-grandchild on the Hall side.
Cooper has 4 cousins that love him to death.
It is now 11 weeks later and time has flown so fast. Everytime I look up I feel like he has changed so much. Looking back I always wondered what it would be like when I had my own children, and well, Cooper is far more then I ever imagined. He brings such joy to our family. Coming home from work or when he first wakes up in the morning and he see's your face and just SMILES sooo big, it makes your heart melt. God has truley blessed us beyond belief!
It is now 11 weeks later and time has flown so fast. Everytime I look up I feel like he has changed so much. Looking back I always wondered what it would be like when I had my own children, and well, Cooper is far more then I ever imagined. He brings such joy to our family. Coming home from work or when he first wakes up in the morning and he see's your face and just SMILES sooo big, it makes your heart melt. God has truley blessed us beyond belief!
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