We had a VERY fun but interesting Easter this year. We decided last year that we would like to spend one holiday with no traveling (since both sets of grandparents live out of town). We had to rule out Thanksgiving and Christmas of course and Halloween is hard since its usually during the week so we picked Easter. We told our parents they are always welcome to spend it with us and that if something special was going on during Easter at their house then we would travel. Needless to say it was wonderful not having to pack and was able to relax!!
We spent most of Saturday making cookies for our friends, coloring eggs, playing outside and watching lots of Snoopy, The Easter Beagle.

helping mommy make cookie dough

cutting out the cookies

I had to post this picture bc it was too cute, coopers cookie is on the left

filling the nests

our finished products

helping daddy color eggs

eggs coloring

our finished product

what the Bunny left for Cooper

the Bunny use to always leave an egg in our Easter shoes growing up so I wanted to carry this tradition on with my kids
Here is the interesting part.....Sunday morning we woke up to storms and lots of rain. As we are getting ready for church our electricity goes out. We decided to wait a little bit for it to come back on and let Cooper hunt the eggs the Bunny hide, in the dark! Nine o'clock rolls around (when bible class starts) and still nothing so we started to pack up our church clothes and head to my sisters house to get ready. As we are walking out the door the electricity comes back on so we hurried to get ready and showed up to church with only 15 minutes left...oh well.
After church we went to my sisters house for lunch and spent the afternoon hunting eggs inside, eating, napping and relaxing.

checking out his basket

turtle glasses

the only halfway decent picture of Coop in his Easter outfit...he was excited